Installing Septic Systems
If you have not begun construction of your house you will want to give
careful consideration to the placement of your home on your property.
Once the homesite has been situated, you will need to decide on the type
of septic system you will be installing. Generally, you are required to
use aerobic systems. Depending on environmental factors and population
density you may not have a choice. Many localities now require aerobic
systems for almost all new houses. Even in situations where a conventional
system has been operating for many years, once the system fails, you may
be required to install an aerobic system. Aerobic systems allow for the
installation of an on-site sewage disposal system in situations where
you would not otherwise be allowed to install a septic system at all.
In our area, there is a strong trend on the part of permitting agencies
to require the installation of aerobic systems in most situations. A strong
plus for aerobic systems is the reduced potetial for environmental impact.
Evaluating Your Site
To determine if you will be required to install an aerobic system and
to determine the size of your storage tanks, characteristics of your soil
will need to be evaluated by a professional engineer. The engineer will
be assessing your soil's ability to cleanly process the waste water that
flows from your absorption field. Typically he or she will be looking
at the proposed field's proneness to flooding or ponding, depth to bedrock
or cemented pan, depth to the highwater table, the ability of the soil
to permeate or release water. To get this information the engineer will
have several holes dug in the proposed absorption field and will run tests.
This information will be used to determine if an aerobic system is required
or if you can install a conventional system.
Getting A Permit To Install A Septic System
You, your builder, or your septic installation contractor will need to
apply for a permit. Typically these are issued by authorized permitting
agencies of the state. In most states authorized permitting agencies are
at the county level, often at the County Board of Health. In localites
where aerobic systems are virtually universally required, you may be required
to personally file the permit application. This is because you will be
personally involved in running an active waste treatment plant and the
local authorities want to make certain that you understand the maintenance
steps you will need to perform to keep your plant operating effectively.
The typical application package will include the results of the professional
engineer's site evaluation, a property plan showing location of the proposed
dwelling, driveway, sewage lines, tanks, and absorption field, and any
ponds, tanks or adjacent lakes. The application will also require a floor
plan for the site, indicating rooms, closets, and total heated/air conditioned
floor space . It will also include several copies of the proposed design
of the septic system and a map showing the property location. There will
probably also be a requirement for a floodplain certificate, and the identification
of a suitable second absorption field, should the initial absorption field
fail at some future time and need to be replaced.
Septic System Construction
Once the septic construction permit has been issued, construction may
begin. Usually the regulating authority will require that all or part
of the construction be performed by a certified septic contractor. Typically
your system will need to pass one or two inspections